Deeksha Seth is fast becoming a regional star isSouth India. As her
surname suggests, she is a Gujrati who was born in Dlehi. Due to the
transferable jobs of her father, she has frequently changed cities in a
very little span of her 21 years. She has lived in Mumbai, Kolkata,
Rajasthan, Chennai evenKathmandu. During her college days in Mumbai,
Deeksha enrolled up for Femina Miss India competition which became her
ladder to instant fame and success. People could not forget her
commendable work; especially because she came from a non-modeling
background and went on to become one of the top ten finalists of the
contest. She even won the Miss Fresh Face title.
Post Femina Miss
India, life changed for her. Many modeling assignments came her way and
it was on one of those assignments she was castled by Krish, for her
Telegu film Vedam. It was a tough call for the casting director as
seventy girls had already auditioned for the role and had been rejected.
Seth’s role as Pooja earned her accolades from everyone of the industry
and she immediately entered the A-league actresses. She is up for too
many releases on her platter with Wanted, Rebel, Nippu are soon slated
for release. Deeksha has also got roles for two Tamil films, Rajapattai
and Vettain Mannan which are due to be released in 2012. Life and career
are looking up and zesty for this young lady and here’s wishing that
Aamchi Mumbai soon gives her a mighty and warm welcome.