A Mumbai court adjourned the bail plea hearing of Sooraj Pancholi until 21 June. He was arrested on charges of complicity in the suicide of actress Jiah Khan and his father the actor Aditya Pancholi says her son is not guilty and that the prison experience will make you stronger.
" That my child to remain in jail a little longer.What will become stronger and wiser. He has not done anything. Thus, this experience can only make it strong " , said Aditya while keeping calm.
Actress Jiah Khan alias Nafisa, who made his debut in Bollywood with "Nishabd" Ram Gopal Varma, committed suicide at his residence in Juhu area of Mumbai on June 3. She was 25.
June 8 The police recovered a note allegedly written by the actress in which he spoke disturbed relationship with her boyfriend and claiming the physically and mentally abused.Two days later, police arrested Sooraj Mumbai regarding Jiah suicide.
Aditya and his wife Zarina Wahab were sure that he would be granted bail her son Sooraj on Friday (June 14). This however did not.
"It is unlikely to grant special privileges Sooraj as a separate cell or home cooking. The prospect of seeing your child suffer in jail has beaten Pancholi hard to especially have taken it very badly, "the friend added.
The friend says that the problem child image in the press is not exactly what Sooraj is.
" The story that Sooraj suffer from bouts of anger is very exaggerated. When Sooraj gets angry, goes completely quiet. Sooraj is completely a child of his mother. He grew up with his grandmother, far away from his father. So Sooraj has never seen his father capricious. all this in with the law is totally unexpected ... But it is also a strong person. When he sees his parents, comforts and assures them that everything will be fine, rather than parents comforted , "said the friend.