One-film old, Alia Bhatt comes across as a cute bubbly babe. Though she wore a bikini in Student of the Year, the Bhatt girl did not look really sexy. So, when we glanced at the latest still from her upcoming film, Highway, we were quite surprised!
In the steamy still, we can see Randeep Hooda getting close to Alia Bhatt! Ahem! While our hunkalicious Randeep is shirtless, Alia is seen in casual night clothes… It’s too early to conclude if there’s any sizzling chemistry or not between the 20-year old and the 37-year old. So, we’ll patiently wait for more stills from Highway. Meanwhile, Randeep Hooda has kissed yet another man in John Day. So we hope Alia Bhatt can deliver a love-making scene which is steamier than Randeep’s other kissing act!