Looks like Sridevi’s comeback film in Bollywood has opened international doors for the talented lady. We hear Hollywood’s well known producer duo Jeremy Wall and Jerry Leider are planning to cast the English Vinglish actor and Oscar winner Meryl Streep in their upcoming film Cowboys And Indians. The movie which will be directed by Amy Redford is still in initial stages. Apparently, both the versatile actors have shown interest in the project and the English Vinglish babe is currently reading the script. While there has been no official announcement regarding the Hollywood flick, Sri’s manager Punkej Kharbanda confirmed the news about the foreign project. “Yes, we are happy to have received a communication about a project with Ms. Meryl Streep” said Punkej in an interview.
We hope things fall in place for Sridevi ‘coz we are sure it would be a cinematic experience to watch the two terrific actors share screen space!