The Kahaani director has dropped plans of making the sequel to the Vidya Balan starrer and plans to make a movie for the Balaji head honcho. Or is it just another cover-up buzz?
Sujoy Ghosh has openly expressed that he would not be helming the reigns for the sequel of Kahaani. On the other hand, he has proclaimed to have started working for an Ekta Kapoor production. It is assumed to be an adaptation of Japanese author Keigo Higashino’s book-The Devotion Of Suspect X. The cast of the film has yet not been decided.
To add fuel to the story, a little birdie tells us that he has just finished writing another thriller and has also approached Vidya Balan for it. Doesn’t it seem like the Kahaani sequel? Wethinks it’s just an attempt to cover up the buzz for the next big thriller. What do you think peeps?