Vatsal Seth and Sanjeeda Sheikh’s Ek Hasina Thi went on air recently. And the show has already created quite a buzz. The audience is enjoying the mystery involved in the story which revolves around the main characters Shaurya and Durga played by Vatsal and Sanjeeda.
In an upcoming episode, we will get to see that Durga will call a journalist to reveal Shaurya’s dark past. Durga’s father played by Bhupinder Singh will throw a party in which Durga plans to uncover Shaurya’s past in the presence of media. We will get to see a journalist who will bring forth Shaurya’s rape case, to which Shaurya will react violently, and will assault the journalist. This will of course leave Shaurya’s family embarrassed.
Further, we will get to know that the journalist was fake and was only acting as per Durga’s instructions. And when everyone else will realise this on the show, the hunt to catch hold of him will begin.