It was Karan Johar who gave the title Singh Is Bling for the next Akshay Kumar film to be co-produced by Akshay and his Grazing Goat partner Ashvini Yardi
Speaking on the incident that sparked of the blingy title Ashvini says, "The title came to us from Akshay Kumar. And he got it from Karan Johar. It happened at an event where Karan saw Akshay in a blingy jacket. Karan exclaimed, 'Oh, Singh is bling!' "
Ashvini took Karan's permission for the title. "I called up Karan and asked his permission to use the title. It would have a lot of stunning action. And it will be shot entirely abroad."
The articulate Ashvini clarifies that Singh Is Bling is not a sequel to the Vipul Shah-produced Anees Bazmee-directed Akshay comedy Singh In Kinng made in 2008. "No it is not a sequel! The only similarity is that Akshay plays a Sardar in both. But it's not the same character. His Sardar act in Singh Is Kinng went down very well with North Indian audiences. Our company Grazing Goat had a script. So we approached Prabhu Dheva to direct it. It's an original script."