Bigg Boss 8 has started its new season on a sour note. Despite the hoopla of trying to do something different and change the format, the idea of using the concept of three secret society members early on in the show hasn’t really worked. As per the new idea, three participants on the show have been granted immunity from nomination and also special rights and privileges where they can make the rest of the contestants dance to their tunes. Sounds interesting right ?
Unfortunately the identity of these three contestants - Deepshikha Nagpal, Puneet Issar and RJ Preetam was leaked on the day of the premier. The information being made public it didn’t‘ really serve a great purpose in blurring their faces and keeping their names away from the common public. Also most of the contestants have already been able to guess from their voices who these 3 secret society members are!
Tonight’s episode showed a preview that in Wednesday’s episode the 3 members will remove the hoods off their face and show their real identities to everyone. However, the stunt seems lame given the fact that this was established in the beginning itself. We hope that Bigg Boss 8 has some better and more interesting twists and turns lined up in the show in the near future!