Not so long ago, Shah Rukh Khan stunned the masses when pictures of his newly attained 8-pack abs for Happy New Year made their way online. So did Hrithik, when he flaunted his chiseled body in the trailer of his upcoming film, Bang Bang. And now it’s Aamir Khan, who is giving SRK a run for his money for the perfectionist has finally revealed his 8 packs as well.
Aamir recently shot in Nashik, at a temple for his upcoming film, PK. Later, Aamir was seen taking a dip in holy river Godavari. It was here that the shutterbugs caught the Khan’s bulked up body and those eight-pack abs.
Apart from the story of PK, this was another thing which Aamir was hiding all along until yesterday. However, we did see Aamir hitting the gym regularly. There were also reports that a song is to be filmed across India for PK. At that time, it was reported that Aamir is to get a toned body for it. Apparently, the song is now being shot.