But someone in the house seems to be warming up towards the King again

The house mates spent another day completing the task, cribbing, bitching, scheming and planning. Obviously a lot went on in the Bigg Boss house. For all you guys who missed the show, here’s an update on life in the house of horrors…
Gautam City:
The luxury budget task for the week is Gautam City. As is suggestive from the name, the task crowns Gautam Gulati as the King and everyone falls under his dictatorship. He can get anyone to do whatever he wishes and punish anyone who disobeys. Gautam also gets to stay in a luxury room with all amenities and can choose two royal guards who get to stay in the luxury room with him. The twist is that the King is given a television set through which he can see who is doing and saying what… Interesting!
Stripping everyone off their possessions:
As King, the first task Gautam was allotted was to strip house mates off some of their prized possessions. Nigaar Khan gave up her make-up, Karishma gave up her accessories, Ali Quli gave up his chains and bandanas, but the problem arises when Sonali is asked to submit her make-up and cigarettes. Wondering what the problem is? Well, Sonali’s parents aren’t aware of the fact that she smokes and when she points out to Gautam that he shouldn’t have said it on camera, Gautam retaliates stating that do whatever you have to openly. This reduces Sonali to tears and does not go down well with the Praja who is already upset with their King.
More fights in the Rajya:
Gautam asks Ali to clean the garden and pick four more members to help him. As it happens, Nigaar Khan and Karishma Tanna are two of them. Though the girls agree to do the task, they end up arguing with Ali and bitching about Gautam’s inhuman treatment, since the two have been doing various household chores since morning.
The warming up begins:
From complimenting her smile to favouring her over the rest of the housemates, King Gautam did everything to woo Diandra Soarees. Though she feels it is just another façade Gautam has put on, she gradually feels that there is something special between the two and wants to be, at least, on talking terms with him if not anything else.

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