Twitter User Says Indian Women Are Quitting Jobs As They ‘Choose’ To Take Care Of Family

Due to the lack of jobs available for the workforce in our country, there has been a greater problem that’s been created – innumerable people have stopped looking for jobs. According to Bloomberg, millions of Indians, particularly women, are exiting the labour force. Between 20017 to 2022, 21 million women “disappeared” from the workforce.

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900 million Indians are of legal working age. More than half of that number “don’t want a job”. Responding to this study, a Twitter user who has more than a million followers tweeted that the reason behind women leaving the workforce is because “as family income grows, women choose to care for the family as there is no compulsion to work.”

This statement completely overlooks the fact that innumerable women are pressurised by their families and spouses to leave their jobs. They are told to look after their families as it is their “primary responsibility”. There’s also this other problem of gender pay disparity. Since women, generally, have lower incomes than men, their jobs aren’t given as much importance. Instead, it is regarded as something disposable.

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Might as well look after the family than work at a job that doesn’t even pay that much – such discussions take place in many Indian households. Women are discouraged to pursue a career in the first place, hence, to say that women “choose” to leave their jobs is a rather debatable statement to make.

Here’s what many people online said:

According to a report by TOI, “poor employer sentiment towards flexible working and career breaks” is what is holding women back from joining the workforce. This comes at a time when work flexibility is being stressed on across the globe to maintain proper work-life balance and one’s mental health.

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Research has shown that 72% of working women are rejecting job roles that don’t allow them to work flexibly. On the other hand, 70% have already quit or are considering quitting jobs because they were not offered the right flexible policies.

What are your views on this study?

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