Bollywood celebrities Ranbir kapoor with father Rishi kapoor,Deepika Padukone,Vidya Balanwith husband Siddharth Roy Kapur, Karishma Kapoor, Esha Gupta, Sridevi with husband boney kapoor all are at the Zee Cine Awards. Let us see the photo gallery of this wonderful Zee cine award 2013.
Ranbir kapoor & Rishi Kapoor Zee cine award 2013 |
Deepika Padokone Zee cine award 2013 |
Malaika Arora Zee cine award 2013 |
Boney and Sridevi kapoor Zee cine award 2013 |
Esha Gupta |
karishma Kapoor |
Siddarth Roy with wife Vidya Balan |