Soha Ali Khan plays volleyball braving the hot weather

 While we all complain about the hot weather, Soha Ali Khan who records for Faraz Haider's next film with Sharman Joshi Bikaner and Jaaved Jaaferi manages to beat the heat in different ways

The actress, while waiting his turn to record, revealed that the team is crazy! Even if they had half a day off, all play cricket and volleyball instead of bemoaning the weather.

"This is a crazy team, we have been working very hard with the sweltering heat and yet they have so much energy that whenever there is a half day off, everyone goes crazy.

The young actor has a lot to share yet. "We shot all night and then yesterday we had a day off which was well used. We did a lot of sport and dance nonstop. We had fun despite the sweltering heat. "

Soha Apparently not very fond of food so she has not tried the local Rajasthani food yet. "But I've got books to read, TV shows to watch, I bought a lot of British series. I want to watch many movies of murder and crime, "summarizes the actress.

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