Forget girlfriend, I am now a wife: Varun Dhawan

You share your birthday with Sachin Tendulkar, have you guys ever met? 
I met him just a few days back and I was utterly star struck! I tried to behave as normally as I could—I didn't want him to know how much I was in awe of him. I was so excited that I was completely tongue-tied. Suddenly, I came up with one of the weirdest lines possible—apart from sharing our birthdays, we also have the same masseuse and was about to say, "Sir, the man who has touched you has also touched me." It was bizarre. Good that I managed to stop myself from uttering the words aloud! A major disaster was averted that day (breaks into a hearty laugh).

What would you prefer, a sexy car or a sexy girlfriend? 
Definitely a sexy girlfriend! In fact I think I should now like to graduate to finding myself a wife. There is a famous line that we live once and we die once, but I believe we can live many lives but die only once- and that is by getting married.

While doing your business administration course in Notthingham, did you do anything that your dad should never know of? 
I have done too many crazy things over there. I had a part time job where I was supposed to distribute pamphlets outside various pubs and nightclubs in freezing cold. I would earn five pounds per hour. Though it was rather exhausting, it had its own share of perks as well. I had free entry to all these clubs and pubs. Also, I would come across interesting characters while on the job. Besides, watching people getting sloshed and make complete fools of themselves was real fun.

A funny incident from childhood that left an indelible mark on you
I had once accompanied my dad for a film shoot. A scene from Biwi No 1 was being shot on the San Francisco Bridge. It was really cold and I and my elder brother were sitting inside Salman Khan's car with him. Suddenly, Salman asked us if we want to listen to mass hysteria. We were not too sure what he meant by that. Salman simply stuck his feet out of the van and that's all it took for the fans waiting to catch a glimpse of their star to go crazy! They started screaming on top of their voice. To tease them, Salman put his feet inside only to put it out again. We could hear the sound of sheer madness outside. That is when I got the first taste of stardom. I was only 12 then.

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