Sr Bachchan decided to turn rapper his upcoming film Bhoothnath Returns . Yes, the versatile actor will be seen flaunting grungy robes of a rapper in a peppy song which has been sung by India’s most loved rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh. And going by the pictures wethinks Abhishek Bachchan’s daddy dearest has nailed the look quite well. In one of pictures, Big B is seen with Honey Singh and its hard to tell who is actually not a rapper, hai na? Then there is one photograph where the Kaun Banega Crorepati host is seen wearing a thick gold chain, watch and a blingy hoodie. Interesting attire, no? Not many his age can pull off such a look, but Amitabh Bachchan does so quite easily.
In the party number the Shehanshah of Bollywood will be seen grooving with bacha log and Honey Singh. But shaking a leg with the Lungi dance singer wasn’t easy. Big B wrote on Twitter, “Back … back from ‘petrified’ to anxious .. matching step and expression with the Yo Yo .. hiunmbhygbnmmmm !!”
If the Bhoothnath actor can convincingly carry off a rapper’s look then wethinks he must have nailed the dance steps as well. While we are looking forward to see Amitabh Bachchan – The rapper and the much-hyped song by Honey Singh, Bollywoodlifers you check out the pictures and tell us