Alia Bhatt and Arjun Kapoor’s cross cultural love story will hit the screens tomorrow, however film critics and have been fortunate to catch the film a day in advance. So did Arjun-Alia’s onscreen chemistry impress them as much their off screen antics during their movie’s promotions. Well, actor Sonakshi Sinha, filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh, 2 States author Chetan Bhagat and renowned film critics Sarita A Tanwar and Taran Adarsh have given this young romantic love story a thumbs up. Here’s the verdict…
Sonakshi Sinha: “2 states… 2 cute!! Just saw the film, wonderful performances! 2 thumbs up ”
Sujoy Ghosh: “If i start i’ll go on forever but go see 2 STATES if you can. i loved it. the superb cast, music(oh the music!).. thank you abhishek varman.”
Chetan Bhagat: “Saw 2 States. 2 overwhelmed. Fantastic. Charms you, makes you smile, touches u deep. Arjun,and every dept – salute!”
Sarita A Tanwar: “Whether u have read d book or not (like me) I bet u will enjoy Two States (like I did). It’s entertaining. Alia-Arjun r so good together.”
Taran Adarsh: “#2States movie review: One of the finest movies to come out of the Hindi film industry of late!”
Jitesh Pillai: “Despite the length, Two states is OUTSTANDING. And after HIghway Alia Bhatt pitches another standout performance. Arjun kapoor is superb too.”
Mahesh Bhatt: “2 States: ALIA is fantastic in a startlingly different role. But it is ARJUN who stole my heart & made me weep. He is a STAR! ITS A WINNER!”
watch out for our verdict on Alia-Arjun‘s fresh pairing and the full movie review of 2 States right here in just a while…