Paridhi Sharma has won zillions of hearts with her portrayal of Queen Jodha in Zee TV’s Jodha Akbar, which also features Rajat Tokas as Prince Akbar. And so did Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, when she enacted the same character on the silver screen in Ashutosh Gowariker’s looooong film, Jodhaa Akbar opposite Hrithik Roshan. And out of the two, looks like people are more mesmerised by Ms Sharma.
When two actors play the same character, comparisons are bound to happen. Sowe recently asked you that out of Paridhi and Bachchan bahu, who makes for a prettier Rajkumari Jodha Bai. And you have given your verdict. We received a total of 7,837 votes out of which Paridhi has acquired 4,670 votes (60 percent), while the Dhoom:2 actor has got 3,167 votes (40 percent).
Well, we aren’t surprised considering Paridhi has now become a household name and enjoys a humungous fan following which is quite evident on the social media. While Ash played the Mughal Queen much before Paridhi, it seems that the latter has made people go all crazy with her beauty, elegance, action and of course her chemistry with Rajat.