Vidya Balan is perhaps the most versatile female actor in the industry right now. After breaking the mould with Ishqiya, The Dirty Picture, Kahaani and now Bobby Jasoos, the star has changed the perception of the industry about women in lead roles. When we caught up with Vidya during a promotional event for Bobby Jasoos, the Ghanchakkar actor revealed why she shies away from cliched heroine roles while her contemporaries are game for it.
” I am just someone who gets bored very easily. So I need to do different things. Today, more than ever I am getting the variety in the roles. For the past seven years, since Paa and Ishqiya and all, that variety has started to set in and I am just picking the best out of the opportunities that come to me. I enjoy variety as it keeps me interested. I lose it beyond a point otherwise. May be the other heroines don’t get bored that easily (Laughs). Their attention span is better. I just get really fidgety” said Siddharth Roy Kapur‘s wifey.