Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn have always had a troubled friendship; but it was during the release of the late Yash Chopra's Jab Tak Hai Jaan and Ajay Devgn's Son of Sardaar that matters came to a flash point with both films slated for release on the same day. However, now that seems to be a story from the past with SRK's latest tweet wishing Devgn all the luck for his forthcoming release Singham Returns.
Posting on twitter SRK said, "Want to wish Rohit Shetty & Ajay Devgun & their whole team of Singham2 the best of luck. May u entertain us as u have been doing for yrs".
Interestingly, this will be Rohit Shetty's first release after his success last year with Chennai Express that featured SRK top- lining the cast.
Singham Returns, whose posters were recently released also features Kareena Kapoor and is slated for release on August 15, 2014.