Ajay Devgn and Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer Singham Returns is doing exceptionally well at the Indian box office. The film hit theaters on August 15 and since then it has literally created dhoom at the ticket windows. On day 1 (Friday), the sequel of Singham collected Rs 32.09 crore. And the figures remained pretty much the same over the weekend as well bringing its three day total to Rs 77.64 crore at the Indian BO. What’s impressive is that Ajay-Kareena starrer has also fared well in international markets. Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh posted on Twitter, “Overseas: #SinghamReturns *opening weekend total* is approx $ 2.4 million [Rs 14.60 cr]. Best in UAE-GCC.”
While Rohit and Ajay’s latest offering is inching towards Rs 100 crore club at the domestic turf, it won’t be long before the film grosses Rs 50 crore internationally, hai na?
On the other hand, Salman Khan’s Kick has minted Rs 230.69 crore in India so far and is still going steady at the BO.