Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif starrer Bang Bang will hit the screens on October 2. While the film has managed to create good buzz so far, at an event today the honey-eyed actor launched a mobile game which is inspired from his action thriller. Well, we got a glimpse of the game and it did look impressive. But what’s interesting is that JR Roshan at the same event said that he is playing himself in Bang Bangand not Tom Cruise. He told the media, “I am not reprising Tom Cruise in Bang Bang….I am playing Rajeev. In fact, tthis is one film for which I didn’t have to do any preps coz I have just played myself in the film. So I hope you guys like it.”
Since Bang Bang is clashing with Shahid Kapoor’s Haider at the box office, at the game launch Hrithik was asked if this would divide the audience. To this the Krrish 3 actor replied,”I can’t see the future. Dekhenge jo hoga wo hoga.”