Darshan Raval, a contestant on singing reality show India's Raw Star, is happy to have got a chance to lend voice for the character of Ranvijay in TV show Ek Veer Ki Ardaas...Veera. The show's current track focuses on Ranvijay's journey from being a farmer to a rockstar, and it has the support of Darshan's voice.
Ranvijay moves to Mumbai from his village in Punjab to pursue singing. He participates in a singing reality show and Darshan, the young composer from Ahmedabad, is the voice behind the tracks "Pehla nasha" and "Kucch iss tarah" that Ranvijay has sung for his stint in the reality show titled Junoon. "I am really happy and privileged to have got the opportunity to sing songs for Ranvijay in ...Veera. The songs 'Kucch iss tarah' and 'Pehla nasha' have been sung in a way to suit Ranvi's personality and I have added a different flavour to these songs. I hope the viewers like what I have to offer with this show," Darshan said in a statement. India's Raw Star and Ek Veer Ki Ardaas… Veera air on Star Plus.