Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film The Shaukeens‘ first look is out and might we say that its hot as hell. Featuring Lisa Haydon and the three old musketeers, Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor and Piyush Mishra, the poster promises its viewers a naughty and funny ride! Akshay Kumar plays himself in the film.
The Shaukeens is a remake of the 1982 comedy starring Ashok Kuma, Utpal Dutt and AK Hungal. Its a story of three old men who are looking to spice up their boring lives. In the remake, Annu, Anupam and Piyush reprise the roles of the three lecherous men who seek adventure and as they come across Lisa, they try to woo her in their own hilarious styles.
The film is touted to be a “coming-of-age” movie about men who are young at heart. As these men try to impress the sexy lady, they get involved in funny situations thus making the movie a laugh riot!