That Katrina Kaif is going to attend Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan’s wedding is known to all. But the leggy beauty is also going to be the star performer at the big fat Indian shaadi. Though Ms Kaif and Dabangg Khan parted ways long back, the former has stayed close to Khan family and especially Arpita. So we aren’t surprised that Kat has been invited to the otherwise guarded affair. Apart from the Jagga Jasoos actress, Mika Singh will also perform at Arpita’s marriage. In fact, the talented singer was personally invited by Salman and his brother Sohail Khan for the same. He even tweeted today, “I have already done so many performances this month..But tonight is going to be special with family! My best wishes to dear #Arpita #Aayush.”
David Dhawan, Kabir Khan and his wifey Mini Mathur will also be attending the Khan wedding in Hyderabad. Priyanka Chopra too is expected to grace the special occasion with her mother Madhu Chopra. That’s not all! Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan could also turn up at the wedding. In that case, its going be one starry wedding, hai na?