Karanvir Shrama’s debut film, Zid produced by Anubhav Sinha and Mushtaq Shiekh is all set to hit the theatres on November 28, 2014. The film has been in the news ever since the makers launched the theatrical trailer of the film. While the story of this psychological thriller looks interesting, it is the sex quotient of the film that is being talked about.
The trailer has a few intimate scenes between Karanvir-Mannara and Karanvir-Shraddha. The dashing young actor has even done a few lip locks because of which, people have already started drawing comparisons between Karanvir and the serial kisser, Emraan Hashmi. So, is Karanvir from Zid the new Emraan Hashmi? Talking about the same is none other than the man of the moment, Karanvir, “The New Emraan Hashmi? Isn’t it a bit to early for such a comparison? Emraan has been a consistent kisser, I’ve just started out! Jokes apart, the intimate scenes and the kissing were an integral part of the screenplay. My job as an actor is to do what is asked off me. That’s exactly what I’ve done.” Ask him if it was awkward while shooting the scenes in question, the actor reverts, “No, not at all. There was no awkwardness what so ever. Both Mannara and Shraddha are professionals and we did these scenes just like we did any other scenes.”
Well, we need to wait till the November 28 to see if Karanvir actually manages to pull off an Emraan Hashmi. It will be really interesting to know what Emraan thinks about the debutante actor.