Parineeti Chopra’s last release was Kill Dil co-starring Ranveer Singh. And though the film failed miserably at the box office, these two stars looked great together. So is there something brewing between Pari and Singh off screen? Not really. Well, the Shuddh Desi Romance actress started her career with Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl and it featured the RS in the lead. And that’s the reason why Deepika Padukone’s beau will always remain special for Parineeti. Yesterday, the B-town beauty got nostalgic as she completed three years in the industry and while expressing her feelings on social media, the babe didn’t forget to mention her first co-star.
The talented actress tweeted, “3 year old me and 4 year old @RanveerOfficial !! Will always have a soft corner for him. I love you Ranveeaah.” Along with this tweet she even shared the above picture which wethinks is absolutely adorable. Interestingly, before Pari became an actor, she used to work as PR and Ranveer was one of the celebs that she handled. Guess that’s one more reason why Ishaqzaade heroine will always have soft corner for the Bajirao Mastani actor!