Kiara Advani is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming movie Shershaah where she will be seen opposite Sidharth Malhotra. Sidharth is playing Kargil hero Captain Vikram Batra and Kiara is playing his love interest Dimple Cheema. Kiara feels honoured to play the role of Dimple who is an integral part of Vikram Batra's life. In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Kiara shared her experience of meeting Dimple in Chandigarh and how she was intrigued by Dimple's personality. "When I learned the fact that their love story was so strong to the extent that she chose not to be married ever again, she always felt that they are going to meet one day, find their way up there, all of that had really intrigued me because I have never known of a person like her. Fortunately, all thanks to Vishal Batra who is Vikram Batra's twin brother, he managed to make me meet Dimple when I was in Chandigarh shooting for a film. We met and it was only both of us where she shared with me her journey, her relationship, everything. She was a little bit shy and didn't want to be in the limelight but because she knew we were making this biopic on Captain Batra and she is such an integral part of his life and through her, you really see a charming, young, lovable boy. She was very sweet to share their story and she spoke with such fondness and love in her eyes for Capt Vikram Batra. I could feel that sitting next to her," said Kiara.
When asked if Vikram and Dimple's love story attracted her, she, "I always felt like when you marry, you marry for the right reason and my reason for marriage in life whenever it happens would be love. Because I feel no matter what problems come your way, love is one thing that will always be the strongest foundation and everything is built on that. When I met Dimple, I realised that was her reason as well. She is so beautiful and intelligent, a teacher in a school and is so lovely, she chose not to marry again because she realised perhaps that he (Vikram Batra) is the only man she has ever loved and will ever love. That stayed with me and I could connect. We hear about these love stories and we see that kind of love in the older generation and a very few in our generation. But if you are able to find that kind of love in this lifetime, you are really blessed."
She added, "This is extra special because it's a true story. Even the scenes between Captain Vikram Batra and Dimple are exactly what happened. There is no liberty that has been taken. Not a single scene is for creative or cinematic purpose. It is authentic to the T. Even their love story, everything he did, the flamboyant gestures, all of those hero moments of his were all kept in Vikram Batra and that's what made him so charming. He was very filmy, Dimple told me and that was his personality."
You can watch the entire interview here.