When we were kids, the saying that people come and people go made many of us really uncomfortable. Even the thought of losing our friends made us want to stick to them harder. However, as we grew up, we realised that there’s a lot of truth behind that saying – that friends do leave and the one’s we thought we shared a ‘forever’ bond with may just not pick up your calls anymore.
People on Twitter have been discussing this lately. One user @appynessalways asked people in their 30s whether their friendships faded away due to their personal and professional choices.
People in 30s and older have your friendships faded away due to personal/professional choices? Are you okay with that?
— Appy (@appynessalways) January 28, 2022
Many answered, “Yes.”
They have. I began experiencing that in my 20s but it still hurts when friendships fall apart or just remain a formality on social media. If I really like them, I never feel okay with the breakups.
— Anjali B. (@MsAnjaliB) January 28, 2022
For some, friends who left came back into their lives. For others, they made peace with the fact that if friends are meant to leave, they will leave.
Yes. I started to realize this in my 20s as well and honestly I don’t try to hold people down anymore. I just let them fade away because they were never meant to be.
— Appy (@appynessalways) January 28, 2022
Not ok, but somehow I never pick up the phone to have a chat/call. In college, frnds used to say that one day we all will be out of touch & my innocence would reply- it would never happen. But it did. This feeling is always looming over me that perhaps I should’ve kept in touch.
— Asis (@Chronic_Murmur) January 28, 2022
Friendships start fading because as an grown up individual you start seeing people rationally and not emotionally. Another reason is, you become aware of your self priorities. It hurts terribly bad when you see a person’s reality but then life moves on. I am okay with it.
— Tejaswini (@tejaswinih) January 28, 2022
Yes ans yes
I’m 50. I’ve found that people come and go. Some also come back. It’s okay. No point fighting it— Natasha (she/ her) نتاشا (@nuts2406) January 28, 2022
Lost more friends than I can count. Bit were they even friends?
No regrets.
If you can’t agree to disagree then what type of friendship is it?— Shripal Gandhi (@iShripalGandhi) January 28, 2022
yes, yes. because I realize it’s a phase, this decade and next decade is going to be about life building and wealth creation for most of us. In another 20 years times, we’re all gonna get old and get back to being our true selves once again
— Deepika (@deepikagumaste) January 28, 2022
Honestly, life goes on and doesn’t stop for anybody.
Absolutely. Personally/professional/political reasons. Perfectly okay with it. Life goes on. You hold on to the ones with same vibes as you. Rest won’t do you any good anyway.
— Anamika (@desertdew) January 28, 2022
I’m in my late 20s and I’ve realised that as we grow we understand the dynamics of the relationship. Nothing is static. Sometimes you’re in touch , sometimes you see them from far. Soon you’ll forget their face. Life is such
— Nandini Kala (@Nandini47819410) January 28, 2022
Yea, don’t have many friends to begin with, only a few, and they ain’t have much time for me, that’s okay. By god’s grace I have my work and family to stay busy and engaged. My freetime goes into book reading and watching movies. Life isn’t beautiful, but so far good. No worries.
— Sunil (@sunil_sachin) January 28, 2022
Some of them yes but due to their personal choices as they grew in status financially. Being okay or not is not a question at all since we do not have control over these things. It’s just life, it goes on, whether people are with you or not.
— Dummi’s_uncle
(@Smart_Dummi) January 28, 2022
It’s all about giving time. While kids you had time. Now you don’t..
Have you realized once your best friend, now when you speak it has become just a formality and you are loss of words..
How are you
How is work
How is familyThe questions doesn’t go beyond that. Sad
— Ketan (@ketansnadar) January 29, 2022
In my 30s yes. But 40s are a different vibe — have met so many strangers through social media who are now friends! You realize how self-limiting things get if you don’t step outside your comfort zone.
— Maryam S. Khan (@MaryamShKhan) January 29, 2022
Initially it was a bit uncomfortable.But I have settled in now.They faded away quietly.For me new ones have not come up.I am not very social. I have days where I happily reminisce and there are days I wish I had new ones.
— Patang (@ShaamMastani) January 28, 2022
So, in case you’ve lost a friend along the way, hang in there. It isn’t the end of the world.
The post Desis Over 30 Share How Their Friendships Faded Over Time, Say ‘People Come & Go’ appeared first on Storypick.
source https://www.storypick.com/desis-friendships-faded/