Last year, Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma and her husband and former Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli were blessed with a baby girl. The couple was thrilled to share the news with the world. However, on multiple occasions, they requested the media to respect their privacy and not reveal the face of their girl, Vamika.
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However, their privacy was breached yesterday during the ongoing second ODI match between India and South Africa in Cape Town, reported Zee News. The cameraman of a popular broadcaster panned the camera towards the stands where Anushka along with Vamika was cheering for Virat Kohli, who completed his half-century. That’s when Vamika’s face was revealed.
Inta sab privacy thing to not show baby's face just to bring her in the stadium and live telecast her!
— 𝓡𝓲𝔂𝓪 (@Ridhima_debnath) January 23, 2022
And ever since the video with Vimaka’s zoomed-in footage went viral, people were fuming in anger. Several fans condemned the act and slammed the broadcaster for circulating Vamika’s pics against her parent’s wishes.
This is what they said:
Virat to all those Broadcasters and Cameraman of Supersport for showing Anushka & Vamika in the stands!
We'll, honestly it was terrible thing of them to do that by not respecting the privacy they needed!#AnushkaSharma #Vamika #Virat #Kohli
— Jonah Abraham (@JonahAbraham26) January 23, 2022
Sky sports reveal vamika face
That's not right way @imVkohli @AnushkaSharma #vamika— Pranab Halder (@Pranabhofficial) January 23, 2022
Cameraman focuses his lens at #vamika 's face during #SAvIND match
Meanwhile Anushka Sharma#AnushkaSharma
— ABHI TWEETS ☻! (@THEBLITHABHI) January 23, 2022
Some also trolled the cameraman with memes:
Cameraman revealed Virat and anushka's daughter face #Vamika
Meanwhile whole world to Supersport:— KNIGHT (@mayurkb002) January 23, 2022
Galti se mitake beta#SAvsIND #Anushka #vamika
— JuiceSprite Boobrah (@Yorker_Gawd) January 23, 2022
After Cameraman Showed Vamika #vamika
Anushka Right now :-
— Sanjeeb Parida (@Sanjeeb__19) January 23, 2022
This is probably the reason why they wanted to keep their daughter away from all the limelight:
This Is The Reason Why @imVkohli & @AnushkaSharma Kept #Vamika Away From Social Media World
Great Culture
— VINAYAK (@Vinayak2130) January 23, 2022
btw girl look ugly korean— Toxic Chaudhary (@tradbhumihaar) January 24, 2022
Vamika looks more like Virat than Virat himself
— SG (@SujitSG26) January 24, 2022
how can people criticise Virat Kohli on just for his love for his daughter, and he's not only one player in cricket team, there're others also but nahi,sabhi ko Virat ko hi bolna hai, no one will question other players,
— ⌓ꈊRiya Shekhawat*♡㉨ (@She20Shekhawat) January 23, 2022
As soon as the pic revealing Vamika’s face went viral, both Anushka and Virat took to social media and penned a statement requesting everyone not to click/publish the images as requested earlier.
Earlier, Vamika received rape threats from an IIT graduate. People just need to learn what privacy and consent are. Let’s leave the child alone.
The post Furious Fans Slam Broadcaster For Revealing Virat-Anushka’s Daughter Vamika’s Face appeared first on Storypick.