It was definitely a star-studded night in Bangalore as Bollywood and Tollywood celebrities flocked for the private birthday party of producer Shankar Reddy. He turned a year and step forward in his success with his close friends and family. Bollywood producer Satish Reddy was seen wishing him luck and a graceful Birthday he said, “It’s glad to attend my close friend Shankar Reddy Birthday Party I wish him a great successful year ahead”. Pooja Missra has turned black beauty for Birthday Party.
Producer Shankar Gawde and Manik Soni were seen enjoying the party. Shankar Gawde said, “I wish he continue with the same charm and joy which reflect to his personify. He is a great friend to be with I cherished my moment with him.”
Nix Panwar and Reshma D’souza add more glamour in party. Sandy and Rishank Tiwari and others were seen dancing with lots of pomp and fun. The party was rocked till wee hours.