Priyanka Chopra In world premiere of Planes !

Priyanka Chopra has lent her voice to the aircraft Ishani in Klay Hall’s Planes. And the babe is leaving no stone unturned to create a great amount of noise about it. So it definitely helps when you choose to sport a great vintage statement and sashay around like a star – that leaves quite an indelible impression!
We are raving about PC’s champagne coloured jumpsuit that she teamed with a spiky Christian Louboutin clutch on the red carpet. The wavy vintage hairdo and the use of gold in the form of a belt and heels just adds the right amount of glamour to the ensemble. And we hear that Kerry Washington – the actor best known for her role in the popular television series Scandal - was super impressed with the Barfi! babe’s style choice. She called her ‘aviator chic’ – which totally complements the theme of the film as well. What can we say! This time PC is totally on the right fashion PLANE…

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