New Delhi: Interest and intrigue surrounding the latest season of 'Bigg Boss 8' is getting high with each passing episode, per say. As it is this time, the makers have incorporated new twists and turns in the format of the show. Last night's episode finally revealed who the three members of the 'secret society' are.
However, the twist was that, there identity was revealed just to the viewers and not the house mates. The 'secret society' concept, which has been introduced for the first time in this season, has actress Deepshikha Nagpal, actor Puneet Issar and RJ Preetam Singh—as members.
The unveiling of their identity came in at the most unexpected time, as the famous 'Bigg Boss' voice, reminded them that they still are an enigma for the inmates of the house. Well, with so much already happening in the 'BB8' aircraft, we really are not complaining.