Known for his controversial statements and speeches, social media influencer Hindustani Bhau aka Vikas Fhatak has once again landed in trouble. Former Bigg Boss contestant has been detained by Mumbai Police for allegedly instigating class 10th and 12th students to stage protests over offline exams. Vikas along with others has been arrested by Dharavi Police in Mumbai.
As per the online reports, Bhau released a video where he asked board students to stage a protest and demand the cancellation of offline exams for classes 10 and 12. He asked the students to gather outside Maharashtra Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad's residence. However later, a protest was carried out by Mumbai and Nagpur students.
"Mumbai: Social media influencer Vikas Fhatak, also known as 'Hindustani Bhau', arrested by Dharavi Police in connection with students' protest in Dharavi y'day over their demand for online exams for classes 10th & 12th, in view of #COVID19. FIR registered against Fhatak & others," tweeted ANI. The other Tweet read, "'Hindustani Bhau', had uploaded a video of him on Instagram allegedly instigating students. FIR registered under multiple sections of IPC (including that for rioting), Maharashtra Police Act, Disaster Management Act and Maharashtra Prevention of Defacement of Property Act."
Mumbai: Social media influencer Vikas Fhatak, also known as 'Hindustani Bhau', arrested by Dharavi Police in connection with students' protest in Dharavi y'day over their demand for online exams for classes 10th & 12th, in view of #COVID19. FIR registered against Fhatak & others.
Giving a further update about Hindustani Bhau's arrest, ANI Tweeted, "UPDATE |Dharavi Police arrests one more accused, Iqrar Khan Vakhar Khan. FIR under IPC Sec 353, 332 (Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from duty), 427, 109, 114(Abettor present when offence committed), 143(unlawful assembly), 145, 146 (rioting), 149, 188, 269, 270."
#UPDATE |Dharavi Police arrests one more accused, Iqrar Khan Vakhar Khan. FIR under IPC Sec 353, 332 (Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from duty), 427, 109, 114(Abettor present when offence committed), 143(unlawful assembly), 145, 146 (rioting), 149, 188, 269, 270
Hindustani Bhau aka Vikas Fhatak, had entered the Bigg Boss house as a wild card contestant. Before that, he was all over the social media for being Sanjay Dutt's one of the biggest fans and imitating him. Earlier, he grabbed headlines, for using an ambulance to reach Shivaji Park to stage a protest.