The coronavirus pandemic shifted the ways in which the world worked. Work from home became the new normal over the past two years. But a lot of people have had the opinion that working from the office is much better than WFH. One of them is CRED Founder Kunal Shah.
Taking to Twitter, Shah expressed how working from home is the same as kids who study at home.

“No real bonds. No real social or network skills. Illusion of understanding and learning. No osmosis. Comfortable but damaging in the long run,” he wrote.
Impact of WFH on youth is the same as impact of children who study at home.
No real bonds. No real social or network skills. Illusion of understanding and learning. No osmosis.
Comfortable but damaging in the long run.
— Kunal Shah (@kunalb11) February 6, 2022
While some agreed with him, several others disagreed.
Strongly disagree!
Remote work is democratizing opportunity. And the youngsters of today, mostly the ones living in poor countries, will benefit the most.
For the first time ever, they’ll have access to opportunities that their parents didn’t!
— Sergio Pereira
(@SergioRocks) February 6, 2022

Many highlighted how working from home makes them efficient in time management and saves them from distractions. It was also pointed out how people can work remotely from anywhere, making them able to go out on adventures.
Kunal when there was no school or college people still progressed.
People don’t progress at the office by doing a mundane job they progress by finding new exciting alternatives.
Many people who did WFH are now happy & found something else to work on for the rest of their life.
— Kashif Raza (@simplykashif) February 6, 2022
I started my career WFH & it's been 10y now. I wouldn't have it any other way. How can anyone get any work done in the office & deal with all the junk food/commuting time/time away from family/no flexibility to fit in house chores? Playing devil's advocate.
— Madhav Bhandari (@themadbhandari) February 8, 2022
1) I have been working from home since the beginning (except for 3-4 years) & still, I am one of the best networkers around!
2) @jayvasavada is homeschooled and one of the most influential Indians around with a great network built across the world.
Thus, the post is faulty.
— Paras Shah (@parashah91) February 6, 2022
That’s the kind of boss I want to avoid at all cost. Its a very linear way of thinking. On the contrary, we are finding new ways to collaborate, we are spending more time with family. We can now focus on our bigger goals, and oohh..and health benefits on not inhaling pollution
— Shivang Chaturvedi (@shivang_91) February 6, 2022

With respect, disagree on this part.
Some job don’t require work from offices.
Most people don’t love daily reporting to offices and are happy with WFH.
WHF is a step towards location based freedom for many.
— Vivek Joshi (@mejoshivivek) February 6, 2022
I’d prefer working from home and be a part of social gatherings which actually cares about a cause rather satisfy egos in a highly pressurized psuedo growth environments.
— sushantardent.eth (@0xSushant) February 6, 2022
Looks like someone here can’t enjoy working from home !! Some of the biggest companies are successfully operating with WFH model, it definitely works# Also I have life out of office to socialise
— Pratik Ambokar (@pratzzie) February 6, 2022
This is future @kunalb11 . It’s time to show that flexibility we say while introducing ourselves in job interview. It’s time to adapt.WFO is far more damaging in every way that WFH. To environment to mental health. Kids avoid bullying.
— Prasad (@30Prasad) February 8, 2022
Disagree… In full time office lots of work time gets wasted in unnecessary meetings, discussion, commute, and numerous coffee sutta breaks…..full fledged office is a thing of past, hybrid work set up is what organizations need to plan and work for.
— Abhishek Chauhan (@ImAbhishek_S_C) February 6, 2022
Suits rich CEOs , not others who are scraping by spend 2 hours in traffic , 10 hours in office min , spend your youth in EMIs with no social security . WFH saves a lot of money , it’s work end of the day . Most of us aren’t laughing our way to bank.
— trader_kgp (@KgpTrader) February 6, 2022
Disagree strongly, totally depends on the person.
WFH allows me to go on adventures and discover new places i have never been to.
I do networking differently than someone in an office would do.
I still learn social skills in different countries and languages.— Ikarus (@Ron_Junior13) February 6, 2022
Do you think all companies should have a work from home policy? Tell us!
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