Back in Dec 2004, Tamil Nadu’s coast was hit by a devastating tsunami that claimed the lives of around 8,000 people. The state’s Nagapattinam district was the worst affected with some 6,100 fatalities alone.
Due to the natural calamity, scores of people were orphaned. However, the state took the responsibility of these orphaned kids and opened a home for them.

And in those testing times, senior bureaucrat Dr. J Radhakrishnan, Tamil Nadu’s Health Secretary, came forward to give these kids a decent life. Little Sowmya, who was just five then, was also among these unfortunate kids who were looked after by Radhakrishnan.
But now, after nearly two decades of the tragic incident, Sowmya is 22-year-old. But still, Radhakrishnan didn’t leave her hand, but instead, came to her wedding to wish her the best for her future, reported The Indian Express.
In the now-viral video, the IAS officer is seen attending the wedding ceremony of Sowmya, going beyond his call of duty. Sowmya was rescued from debris following the disaster that wreaked havoc in the state and changed the lives of so many people in just a jiffy.
She was then brought to the home where she grew up with other children. As reported, the bride left the home to pursue her undergraduate degree. However, she didn’t forget her past and those who helped her become what she is today.
“Sowmya is not only our daughter but also Nagapattinam’s daughter. I am very happy and emotional to see her getting married,” Radhakrishnan was quoted as saying.
Here’s the trending clip:
வளர்ப்பு மகள் திருமணத்தில் கலந்து கொண்ட ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் ஐ.ஏ.எஸ் | #tsunami #Radhakrishnan
— ABP Nadu (@abpnadu) February 7, 2022
It’s people like Radhakrishnan who make us believe that it’s not only relations by the blood that stands through the test of times. Setting the right example!
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