The actor and director Rakesh Roshan said Monday it plans a “Krrish 3” sequel but in the future work with Hrithik on a script fresh out of the franchise “Krrish”.
“I’m not currently working on a film out of the franchise” Krrish “with Hrithik, but I will make a film in the future. Would love to direct it cool script as soon as I feel relieved with this franchise,” Rakesh Roshan told reporters.
The filmmaker, known for directing movies like “Khoon Bhari Maang” and “Karan Arjun”, Hrithik launched with the blockbuster “Kaho Naa … Pyaar Hai” in 2000.
“I’ll start working on the sequel soon. Due to public demand, we can also include some sidekick characters,” said Rakesh Roshan.