Life Ok today launched the new Balaji Telefilms show – Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh featuring Sonali Bendre, Apurva Agnihotri and Harsh Chhaya in lead roles. A few days ago the first promo of the show had gone viral and people lapped it up with absolute exuberance. It seemed real, people were acting their age and there was new spark that we especially liked. It featured Apurva and Sonali working together in a coffee shop.
Now the promo gave a feel that the show will be based on the romance between a boss and employee. However, the plot we heard a few days later narrated a story of Sonali being married to a politician, who goes out of the picture for some reason and how the protagonist moves on in life. Now this obviously made us wonder if Ekta is showcasing a story based on the controversial topic of extra marital affairs. When queried about this, the soap queen vehemently claims, “My show is not about extra marital affairs. It talks about a woman’s financial independence and her journey. It’s about her standing up on her feet. I think bold is controversial. It will be interesting and emotional as well. They (Sonali and Apurva’s characters) support each other, have anti-chemistry and become friends eventually.”
“We are not getting into extra marital affairs in this one,” confirmed Apurva Agnihotri. Well the message is loud and clear. Guess we will eventually find out the whole truth when the show starts on October 7, 2014 only on Life Ok.