A handbag is a fashion statement. It makes your outfit and vibe influential. From carrying essential items or solely for style, a handbag never fails to make you shine. Designer handbags are one of the most notable and sophisticated accessories, serving as a valid symbol of style and elegance. There are official sites available to purchase original products with quality checked. If you want to stand out from the crowd check out these top 30 luxury handbag brands in India.

Baggit is an Indian brand first established in 1990 by Nina Lekhi to create the best bags for all seasons. They have a chic design, various sizes, abstract prints, and affordable prices to make luxury handbags. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.baggit.com/

Lavie has beeLavie is a lifestyle brand founded in 2010. They offer all kinds of styles from their luxurious handbags like slings, clutches, tote bags, hobos and baguettes. Lavie’s luxury handbags are perfect for parties and showing off your style of games. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India. https://www.lavieworld.com/
Caprese is a renowned brand with a global cult. Their bags are specially for women of all ages. It has classic colours and shades that will suit various moods and occasions. These bags are made from high-quality fabric with trendy designs and colours. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://capresebags.com/

Lino Perros
Lino Perros has grown to become India’s premier handbag brand. Its exclusive designs are attractive for enjoying portraying classic ladylike charisma. Lino Perros sells clutches, slings, crossbody bags, satchels, and hobos, among other accessories. It offers extravagance and affordability. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India. http://www.linoperros.com/

The house of Tara
The House of Tara is famous for its bag collection. It provides plenty of opportunities to choose pop-designed, casual and stylish handbags. They are made from cotton, handloom creations and waterproof for all seasons. https://www.thehouseoftara.co.in/

Coach is a recognised luxury bag manufacturer famous for its high-quality leather handbags. It is known for its handwork and classic style. They make super trendy bags using vibrant colours suitable for all occasions. They even support the global LGQBT community. These are available on Myntra, Amazon and Tatacliq websites.

Ladida offers unique designs in appropriate colours and prints. It was one of the first brands to do away with the use of animal leather. They use faux and synthetic leather for making bags. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. It is available on sites like Myntra, Amazon and Flipkart.

Hidesign is one of the few Indian luxury brands to have achieved international success. It is well-known locally and internationally for its craftsmanship and style. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://hidesign.com/

Da Milano
Da Milano is the best handbag for women in India. Its unique style of bags is inspired by Italian styles. It sells high-end leather handbags. The brand was famous for its high-demand and high-quality accessories and image shoes in 2016. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India. https://www.damilano.com/

Esbeda has a grand collection of unique handbags and accessories for brides, working women, students, and others. For 18 years, this leading handbag brand has built a global network. https://www.esbeda.com/

Peperone has designed a wide range of bright and modern handbags. It started in 2010. Their handbags have become one of India’s most popular female handbag brands. Their products are a perfect collection of extreme comfort, fine craftsmanship, and modern design. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. It is available on Myntra, Amazon and Flipkart.

Aquatan, a new addition to the leather handbag range, is an Indian brand that uses natural leather in all of its product lines. This brand has a collection of vibrant and trendy colours of the west with global styles. It is available on Ajio, Amazon and Flipkart.

Cathy London
PETA has endorsed Cathy London as an environmentally friendly handbag brand. The brand promises longevity and durability by being environmentally friendly. They offer handmade luxury bags with the motto ‘Fashion Without Cruelty.’ It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.cathylondon.in/

Charles and Keith
Charles and Keith are one of India’s premium handbag brands. This brand offers a collection of subtle shades and chic shapes for those who like to stay in style. They provide quality products at reasonable prices. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.charleskeith.com/in

Diana Korr
Diana Korr features vibrant colours and fashionable designs for the customer who wants to stand out. These bags are ideal for college students who enjoy having unique style bags at an affordable price range. https://dianakorr.com/

Fossil has successfully transitioned from premium watches to premium handbags in the women’s handbag section. These bags are attracting attention as they are functional and match the durability of their products, displaying their quality. https://www.fossil.com/en-in/

Furla, an Italian brand founded in 1927, has made its mark on India with its vibrant colours and exclusivity for the upper crust. Italian craftsmanship, refined style, and innovative designs present the modern Italian lifestyle to attract customers. It is available on Myntra, Tatacliq and Amazon.

Kanvas Katha
Kanvas Katha is a brand that specializes in unique canvas bags made in India. The brand collaborates with designers to create its look and offers an affordable price range. It is available on Ajio, Amazon, Flipkart and Myntra.

Leaderachi is a new brand in the category that specialises in all-leather bags. They are handcrafted in India and are used for professional purposes. It is maintaining the leather’s durability with every produced item. They make you look formal and yet graceful. https://www.leaderachi.com/

Michael kors
Michael Kors’s signature pattern and designs add to the timeless classic ranges. They are a premium brand. The brand’s price ranges are attractive to lure affluent consumers. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.michaelkors.global/en_IN/

Stella Ricci
The Stella Ricci brand is famous for women’s fashion handbags and accessories. They have fashionable designs that combine beautiful materials and detail with in-house design to create the Stella Ricci signature. It is available on Myntra, Flipkart and Amazon.

Steve Madden
Steve Madden has distinctive and stylish patterns on handbags. This premium brand can be the best friend for all occasions, with flourishes, vibrant colours, and an exclusive look. They have a stylish collection in an affordable price range. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.stevemadden.in/

Viari creates genuine leather bags with culturally inspired designs. It comes in a range of colours and textures to appeal to all sorts of shoppers. At a reasonable price, they can be your professional and travelling companion. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.viari.in/

Satya Paul
In the early 1980s, Satya Paul was one of the first few brands in India to introduce the concept of designer and luxury handbags. They popularised handbags in India with their eye-catching designs and timeless collections that will steal your heart. https://www.satyapaul.com/

Calvin Klien
Calvin Klien, founded in 1968, is known in India as a luxury handbag brand. The brand exemplifies style, elegance, and comfort with an extensive handbag collection. It is available on Myntra, Amazon, and Calvin Klien’s official site. https://calvinklein.nnnow.com/calvin-klein-accessories

Abrazo provides a collection of premium handbags. The brands give tons of choices in designs, colours, and styles which will complement the attitude and appearance. This handbag is appropriate for western and Indian attire. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop.

Sugarush is a famous Indian brand that specialises in handbags for women. Their bags are for the latest stylish and trendy themes that complement all occasions. It is available on Myntra, Ajio, Tatacliq, Amazon and Flipkart.

Ceriz is a well-known women’s handbag and footwear brand in high demand worldwide. Their handbags are made with the finest materials and come in different patterns and designs. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. https://www.ceriz.com/

Fendi is a well-known international brand known for its exclusive collection. Many women prefer Fendi as their handbags appeal to style and provide customers with the perfect match. It is an international brand. It is available only on limited sites. https://www.luxepolis.com/all-brands/fendi?category=251

Kenneth Cole
Kenneth Cole presents their premium collection of classic styles and colours. This brand offers that classic look at an affordable price range. It is one of the top 30 luxury brands in India to shop. It is available on Myntra, Ajio, Amazon and Flipkart.

Final Talk
There is a world of luxury handbags available to help you upgrade your style and expand your wardrobe. There are beautiful designs to vibrant colours to select from everything to match your apparel. These are the best luxury handbag brands in India.
The post TOP 30 LUXURY HANDBAG BRANDS IN INDIA appeared first on Baggout.
Via Baggout https://baggout.com
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